
Running Through a Fulfilled Life

26 Weeks


26 Weeks have passed.   Only 14 more to go.  Each passing week, I get a little more excited to meet our little boy or little girl that is brewing in there.  From the growing frequency and intensity of the kicks upon my bladder and ribs, I am pretty sure this Baby is one going to be one active hellion.  The only time really that I am not being subjected to a 1-2 punch to the gut is when I am out running.  Hopefully that means when it’s time to start the jogging stroller that this will be the same 🙂

This week Baby Mason is approximately 14 inches in length and weighs 1 and 2/3 pounds.  Baby is now approximately the size of a scallion.



I am nearing the end of the Second Trimester as well (I’m gonna miss this fun little time) and approaching the beginning of the Third.  I don’t think I’m going to quite like the Third as much, although at the end of that Trimester we do get to finally meet the little one.  I am just happy to say that I have been able to avoid the majority of extra joyful symptoms thus far.  The only thing I have started to get a slight dabble in is lower back pain.  I tend to get it by the end of my runs, but recently I’ve also begun to experience it at work if I am on my feet for too long without a sitting break.  That’s why I finally did it.  I broke down and bought myself a super sexy maternity belt.



That is not me in that picture.  I tend to not wear tights with old fashioned bathing suits or what looks like a shorts romper.  It should be arriving this week and I am horrified to hear myself actually say that I am excited to wear it.  I will probably start wearing it mainly for running, but I am definitely going to require it in a few weeks at work as well.  Sometimes there is a cumulative effect of spending 8+ hours on your feet, lifting and moving body parts and setting up machines and equipment for patients.  Who wouldathunk?  Another key device that I have found to be lifesaver for my aching back is something I’ve always used, but sometimes neglect.  It tends to sit lonely in the corner of my living room, all sad and dusty.  Well, I whipped my Foam Roller back out after my last long run, and it totally got rid of my upper hamstring and low back soreness.  So well in fact, that when I went to sleep at night I didn’t experience my horrific hip pain I’ve been having since about 20 weeks.  Once again, I’m an idiot for not figuring this out sooner.


I like to call this look now, “My Soccer Ball Belly”.  This was me yesterday after I finished my 4 mile run right at 26 weeks pregnant.  How long can I continue this running nonsense?  As long as I am able to.  I intend to start incorporating walking breaks if I start to get either out of breath or my legs/back decide “carrying around this extra weight is malarkey and we refuse to do it anymore”.  Hopefully I can continue a few more weeks without having to switch over to some walking, but we’ll see!

6 thoughts on “26 Weeks

  1. I think Mason is an awesome name!
    – Jason

  2. Something tells me those maternity belts are lifesavers for mamas who work out until their delivery day. Where did you order yours from? I’m at the point where I seriously need one, too. :-/

    You look awesome, and your bump is so cute!

  3. Eli you are looking good girl. Hopefully the time will go by fast for you. 🙂 keep on keeping on.

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