
Running Through a Fulfilled Life


Baby Mason: The Birth Story

I really should have written another post prior to this.  Why is that?  Because simply put, I went over my due date.  Not just a little, but 9 days past due.  We eclipsed the 41 week mark, but I just didn’t have the heart to write another entry because frankly, I was frustrated and really wanting to meet our little one.  I was sick of being pregnant.  My stomach had run out of space, I was uncomfortable, and I was tired of people saying “You HAVEN’T had that baby yet?!”  I had tried everything, all the old wives tales.  My last run (of 2 miles), I completed at 40 weeks, 4 days pregnant!

Ready to pop at 41 more room in the inn!

Ready to pop at 41 weeks…no more room in the inn!

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share the birth story, but so many family and friends have asked for details, I figured this would be the easiest way to do so.  I promise I’ll spare you any gross details that may make you want to not finish your dinner.

So since my body decided it didn’t want to go into labor for me.  It was recommended by my Dr that I set a date for induction in order to jump start things.  I was super nervous about this, because although I had heard both good and bad things about inductions, I generally knew meant a longer, more painful labor.  Not my ideal situation because I am the first to admit that I AM A GIANT WUSSY when it comes to pain.

My induction was set up for the morning of July 21.  We arrived at the hospital bright and early, at 5:45 AM, in order to finish signing registration forms and get taken up to Labor and Delivery.  They wasted no time putting me in a beautiful hospital gown, which when combined with the ultrasound unit to monitor the baby, made for quite the fashion statement.  Hotness always becometh me.  I was started on Cytotec, which is a pill used to basically prepare the body for labor and can cause contractions to begin.  It did.  Within about 45 minutes, I began to experience mild contractions.  They weren’t too bad, I was able to walk around the floor and take a ride on the birthing ball.  Hee Haw.  This went on for about 3.5 hours, my contractions were manageable and I had Mike track them since there’s ALWAYS an App for that.  I was experiencing contractions lasting 45-50 seconds every 1.5 minutes.

Around 10:30, my Dr came in and said since my contractions were occurring so often and strong, “there’s nothing left really to do besides break your water” because I had advanced to 3cm dilated and 80% effaced.  So that was done.  I was instructed I had to remain laying on my back for 15 minutes before I would be allowed to get up again to ride my horse ball.  That’s where the fun part ended and (pardon my French but) SHIT GOT REAL SON.  Within about a minute, I began to experience contractions every 30 seconds that lasted 30-40 seconds.  I couldn’t talk, open my eyes, or hardly breathe through them.  I writhed in pain and Mike tried everything to get me comfortable.  I dropped curse words unbeknownst to mankind, the whole “oh you can use mental imagery to work through them” was turned into stupid theory only.  I had been planning to wait as long as possible to get an epidural, but by the time 15 minutes was up I was begging for one.

The anesthesiologist came in super quick (thank GOODNESS) and I had to breathe my way through 3-4 really strong contractions and remain motionless while he inserted the epidural.  It was so hard to remain still, but the threat of “oh you know, you could get paralyzed” seemed to help.  Once I returned to my back, within about 10 minutes I began to experience significant relief.  To the point that I really only had good motor control of my left leg and both legs felt warm, numb, and happy.  The nurse checked me again and surprised said, “Oh wow, you are already 6 cm!”.  Mike decided to go run and get lunch and alert the Grandparents that they should begin leaving because Baby Mason was maybe coming way sooner than expected.  By the time Mike got back from eating a quick lunch in the cafeteria, I had progressed to 9.5 cm and was nearly ready to push.  My Dr. came back into the room, explained that pushing with a first timer can take up to 3 hours.  In my mind, I said “screw that, I am getting this baby out ASAP”.  And I did.  Within 40 minutes, out popped…

…a baby boy.

He was placed upon my chest immediately and words cannot describe the first time you see your child.  I was speechless and overwhelmed, already filled with love for someone so small who I felt I knew for so long.  Mike was allowed to cut the cord and no, he did not pass out for those taking bets! 🙂

Pardon my crazy hair, I just got done pushing out a baby, OK?!

Pardon my crazy hair, I just got done pushing out a baby, OK?!

We had about 90 minutes of skin to skin time before our parents came into the room.  My parents had arrived 10 minutes after he was born, Mike’s parents arrived shortly after.  Seeing the smiles on all their faces as they got to hold a grandchild warmed my heart so much.  It made absolutely every second of those horrendous (yes it was super short) 15 minutes worth it.




We have also had several other visitors, including Aunts and Uncles.  We are looking forward to additional visitors now that we’re home over the next few weeks as well!



So now we can officially say that we have a new member of our family, turning our 2 family unit into 3.

Name: James Andrew
Born on: 7/21/14 at 2:05 PM (7 hour induced labor)
Weighing: 8 pounds, 4 oz
Length: 21 inches
Favorite comment: How was he fitting in there?! (to which I say, I told you there was a decent sized baby in there!
Likes: Looking at Daddy, Cuddles, Sucking his thumb, Sitting in his bouncer, car rides, being bounced and rocked
Dislikes: Having diaper changed, anything cold, having sponge baths





This Belly is officially signing off on what was a rewarding, wonderful, and totally worth it pregnancy!

Now I only look like I'm 3 months pregnant instead of 9! :-)

Now I only look like I’m 3 months pregnant instead of 9! 🙂


40 Weeks

Oops…this was the post I was hoping I wouldn’t have to write!  We officially have ourselves a procrastinator, which is totally still normal given this is our first child.  However, as a very pregnant person, I am definitely at the point that I would like sooner to occur rather than later.

This week, Baby Mason weighs approximately 7.5 pounds and is 20 inches long.  Currently, the size of a small pumpkin.  Or weirdly shaped basketball if you just judge by my belly.

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I won’t be seeing my OB until Tuesday, so I am hoping that things start to get a-moving in the baby department soon, because I am sure she will want to have a lengthy discussion with me about my options.  Induction is definitely something I am hoping to avoid, but I do realize if we go a week past the due date, it is something I will have to truly consider.  Baby Mason obviously took our warnings to heart when Mike and I said it couldn’t happen during the World Cup.


Well…World Cup is now over.  Germany, my brethren, have triumphed.  And Messi (who is one of my more favorite soccer players) is sad.  Which means…*earth to Baby Mason* *paging Baby Mason*…you can come out now.  Like now.  Like really now.  Like any minute.  Or not.messi-sad

How I’m Doing: Self inducing, let me say, does not work.  I have officially come to that conclusion, especially since I spent most of my pregnancy being weirdly energetic and doing way too many things I probably shouldn’t have.  Today, I attempted to trim all our bushes in the front yard at promptly 10 AM, detailed the inside of both Mike and my cars, did several loads of laundry, and went on a 3 mile walk.  Nothing worked.  Good riddance.

How Baby’s Doing:  Baby M has to be super cramped.  That’s all I can think.  And he or she really must like being cramped for some reason.  Which likely means my swaddling skills will definitely be needed post-womb.

How Hubby’s Doing:  Mike is hoping that this baby comes pronto.  All this waiting is making him go nuts.  He had a super energetic day as well (like he was trying to induce me by inducing himself).  He went running (randomly early in the morning), biked, cleaned up all my trimming mess, took out all the garbage, and pick up around the house.  He is currently out pulling demon viny shrubberies out of our backyard and likely cursing up a storm.

40 Week Belly Shot:


I am now hoping that by me even publishing this post that it will cue Baby Mason to appear.  *fingers crossed*

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39 Weeks

Hot diggity dog, we’re now at 39 weeks. This pregnancy journey has nearly come to a close as I now have 6 days to go until my due date. (That is, if I go on that date–Baby Mason may have other plans of which I am quite certain this little babe wants to be fashionably late). I can officially say, Mike and I are as ready as we’ll ever be at this point. I know absolutely nothing prepares you for parenthood, but we at least have made sure all the material things are done.

Nursery ready.
Diapers lined up according to size.
All baby items assembled and ready.
Car seats installed.
All our gender neutral clothing washed. (which has a more masculine flare–I apologize to you now my little one if you are indeed a girl)
Hospital bag packed.
House in somewhat good order.

All we need now and are missing is that little face.


This week, Baby Mason is about  or slightly more than 7 pounds and measures 20 inches in length.  He or she is approximately the size of a mini watermelon–how fitting it being a summer baby and all!

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How I’m Feeling: Ready.  To.  Get.  This.  Party.  Started.  Not that I haven’t enjoyed this time of being pregnant, but I’m definitely more than ready to get to meet this little guy or gal.  I am definitely not looking forward to the act of actually having to get out of there (who would really), but I’m sure all that pain and agony is more than worth it.  I have been slightly frustrated because I have not experienced a single indication that this labor process is coming anytime soon.  Literally nothing.  I don’t think any of the “self inducing tricks” will work for me either because I still have been able to run! If anything, you think i would go into labor as I was waddling down the street.   I am sure this is the same way for most people, but it’s frustrating that each Dr. Appt has indicated that nothing is happening in the downstairs mix-up.  Old Gregg Style.


How Baby is Doing:  Running out of real estate.  I know my stomach may not look that huge, but I don’t think I can stretch out much more because this baby has definitely slowed down.  It no longer is doing the crazy cartwheels, somersaults, and handstands on the regular.  It still moves about, but I no longer am experiencing the kicking fiesta as often.  I wouldn’t be surprised if there is just a giant ball of baby happening in there.  It probably has head nearly touching its rear saying “Mom, can’t you give me a bit more space?”

How Husband is Doing:  I can tell Mike is getting excited for the big day to arrive.  He seems to be more in tune with anything I say or do anymore, as if any ache or pain is indicating it’s GO TIME.  I don’t tell him it, but I think it’s absolutely adorable how attentive he is to me.  He’s going to be an amazing Dad.

39 Weeks Belly Shot: