
Running Through a Fulfilled Life

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Summer’s Done for School

Since my roomies have been making fun of the whole blogging thing, I really haven’t posted quite as often as usual.  They seriously laughed their asses off last night when they asked me “Eli, when is the last time you blogged?” and I said “Oh it’s been a really long time…like 4-5 days”.  Yeah, makes me feel like a big ol’ loser of some sort.  But that’s ok, because we all know the world be an empty and sad place without me blogging the day away.  I really do hate that word…blog…whoever came up with it probably deserves a good dunt on the head. 

Anyways, today was the very first day of classes for this 2nd year girl.  I can’t believe I’ve already shot down that first year with such gusto and pizazz that even the Russian judge is giving me perfect scores.  But I have a feeling that this semester is going to be a wake up call.  The kind of wake up call that says “Hey…hey you over there….were you just sleeping away the past 5 weeks? Oh you were, well how about I ninja kick you in the face repeatedly until you cry and beg for your mother”  Because I’m pretty sure that will be the case.  Today we had Cardiovascular and Pulmonary PT with Hornbeck/Lee.  I’ve decided that class will suck and the comprehensive final will probably be the worst thing ever created.  The first half will require me to most likely be high on some prescription drugs in order to answer Hornbeck’s “totally hippie out there questions” after which I’ll immediately have to sober up to answer Dr. Lee’s insanely specific mundane detail questions after which he’ll say “Elizabeth…you no do so good on this exam”.  It will be absolutely splendiforous.

We also had our first day of Musculoskeletal with Dave.  I’m really looking forward to that class since it has to most carryover into what I think I want to do with the whole physical therapy field.  And Dave seems like a really fun teacher who knows what he’s talking about and doesn’t bullshit around.  He even let us out an hour and a half early.  Which is definitely my kind of guy.

Besides the first day of classes, nothing too exciting has happened in the world de Eli.  I succeeded in losing a 2 hour tennis match yesterday to Mike even though I was up at one point 3-1.  I blame it all on the wind.  Mother Nature apparently had it out for me.  I also ran 5 miles after that.  So needless to say, my ass is on fire.  And will probably remain on fire for the majority of the week.  And I only wish it was because i have a hot ass.  But nay, it’s more like my glut max, med, and min have been a ripped to shreads.

This past weekend was a solid good time.  We had our plaid party on Saturday.  I was surprised at how many people showed up, although the amount of plaid was seriously lacking.  I just should have called it a plaid shorts party.  Because no one took it to that level I was hoping for.  But nevertheless we had over 30 people here, having a good time, sporting the country club attire, and riding our pony.  And that in no way is a drug reference.  It’s more like we really have an actual toy pony that we pilfered from the end of someone’s driveway on Saturday.  I’m pretty pleased.  Because now I can practice for the day that I drop out of PT School and join the nearest rodeo.  Or circus.  Because I’m pretty sure this semester will be surely testing that goal.


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When I grow up

If I have to explain to one more person what a blog is, I pretty much think I’m going to scream and jump off something extraordinarily tall.  Blog is becoming an overused word in this house.  And my own personal drama is becoming the current watering hole gossip tidbit everyday.  I am personally quite happy the way things are, I’m not ready for anything more, but I’m pretty sure the whole world is trying to get me married off within the next 2 years.  Or maybe the whole world is just my aunt.  Same thing, really.

Anywho, Toledo has not failed yet to be boring, I’ve been able to keep myself busy pretty much everyday so far.  I even painted a room for the very first time ever.  It turned out pretty fabulous if I say so myself.  Even if I did succeed on getting pink paint in my hair, on my nose, all over my butt, back, and legs.  Sometimes you just have to become one with the paint in order for Pink Bliss to really take over a room.  I’m hoping our landlord doesn’t see it and die on the spot.  Because honestly I think it’s a huge improvement on the eggshell puke in a bucket color that was on the wall before.  The pink gives the room character.  Or just screams “Makeout Room!”.  I’m not really sure which it is, maybe it’s a combo. 

Yesterday I got the immense pleasure to kick some soccer balls at high velocity again like the good old times.  It was pretty fun for about the first 50 shots.  After that, I started to feel this burning sensation on my ankle.  I ignored it of course, thinking oh I’m just making it a little red because I’ve been striking so many balls trying to smack Mason in the face.  After about the next 50 I realized this wasn’t just a passing fancy.  My ankle was now a cankle.  It had rolls.  Ankle rolls.  Who gets ankle rolls?  Anyways, I knew I was probably in for a world of hurt but I wasn’t expecting to wake up this morning to view this monstrosity:

DSCF0402 DSCF0401

Moral of the story: Do not kick over 100 soccer balls in a day.  And if you do, remember to use correct form.  Don’t strike balls with your ankle.  And also, don’t be named Eli.

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Lydia and I at the Winery in Put in Bay!

 So I am finally back in the land of Toledo, and there really has yet to be such thing as a dull moment so far.  In fact, my fun can totally be compared to how our clock fell and broke half our shot glasses on the mantel even though both Elizabeth and I told Chris it wasn’t such a good idea to hang something there because broken glass would get everywhere.  Nonetheless, my fun has been crazy, slightly messy, with the potential for bodily harm.  And honestly, is there really anything better?  I submit that there is not!

This past weekend I went up to Put in Bay with a bunch of my classmates.  I think in total we had around 13-14 people in our group per night.  So we pretty much got to see the bad, good, and plenty of the ugly from each other.  And boy howdy did I get to see some ug-freakin-ly.  Friday evening I drove up with Lydia, Amber, and Sam and we got there just in time for our fabulous spaghetti feast.  I pretty much was starved by the time we ate because it was so so late, so I pretty much ate my body weight in noodles, salad, and garlic bread.  Piggy piggy oink oink.  The rest of the night we all just hung out, swapped the shit, built a fire (or at least attempted to), and played card games with suspisciously shaped cards from a bachelorette party.  All I have to say is, I’m glad I wasn’t really drinking because if I had, I’m pretty sure I would have produced as many blackmail pictures as the rest of them did.

Saturday we woke up bright and early at the buttcrack of dawn for some reason.  Maybe it was the fact that we had air mattresses all over any walking space on the floor, who knows.  We took the ferry over to Put in Bay in the afternoon and visited the winery right off and I gotta tell ya, that really is the place to go to.  Can you beat a 9 dollar bottle of wine when drinks at the bar are severely overpriced? Never.  Although I’m pretty sure we did about 10 different illegal things there, who really cares…there were far too many people up there that day.  We were fine until the twat waffle at the wine garden got our number.  And when I say number, I dare not mean phone number.  It was more like she had it out for us.  I probably would have fought her if cage fighting were legal.  After the winery, we headed into downtown and hung out at a zillion different bars.  I, of course, somehow got separated from our group and wound up having to go back on the earlier Jet Express in order to take care of my puking roommate.  I really have this odd feeling that being a mother may be in my genes.  And I don’t know how I really feel about that.  But anyways, we got back to the cabin around 11 and the other group didn’t get back until 1.  Passing out was pretty much the only option after that.  Sunday we drove back to Toledo bright and early and invested in some IHOPness.  It was probably the most fabulous plate of French Toast I have ever eaten. 

It’s really hard to describe everything that happened.  But all I can say for the random situations that took place is that 1) I got hit on far too often by creepers 2) I got to see a man do a split on the dance floor 3) I saw a man get arrested for face planting on a railing in the Jet Express line 4) I saw a groom have to get carried off the Jet Express by his future bride because well, he was that flat out gone (Sad, if i were her, I would not be marrying that) 5)I got groped and violated in a matter of 30 seconds and pretty much wanted to kick some perv in the nuts on the boat, but my better self told me to remain silent and seethe with anger inside 6) I made my very first drunk dial


Steph G and I at Crescent Tavern in Put in Bay!

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Better Now

The more i learn, the less i know
The final act of letting go
Of everything that life takes
The reason why my heart breaks

Suddenly there’s comfort in
The way the world comes crashing in
And every tear reminds me i’m alive

These are the days that last forever
A time in my life i won’t surrender
For better or worse, these are the days
In my life i’ve loved no other
We all have pain, we all have suffered
For better or worse, these are the days
I will remember

The more i talk, the less i say
When the words get in the way
Lonliness is so hard
Lonliness is so hard
Ordinary i confess
Living under house arrest
Maybe i belong here
Maybe i belong

I’m so looking forward to moving back up to the T-O-L.  It’s going to be a fresh start for me.  I have a clean slate.  No more worrying about anything or anyone.  I have clarity. And I am looking forward to what the future holds.  I’m a smart, pretty, athletic, funny girl with a good head on her shoulders.  I’m going to continue on working my hardest towards getting that PT at the end of my name, and in the meantime I’m going to enjoy as much time with my friends as possible.  Anything else that could possibly happen will be bonus.  And I’m really not concerned with that aspect of my life anyways, I am only focusing on making me the “best” me.  What the future holds for me, I can’t be certain.  All I can hope for is that it ends up being something extraordinary.   

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Will I ever get things right? Who knows.  Things are out of my hands, and it’s pretty safe to say they’ve been out of my hands for a long time.  But I’m going to keep on truckin…cause that’s what I do best.  Even the women’s gymnastic team falls on their faces and out of bounds at least 8 zillion times and still can manage to qualify, so I figure all my little mistakes will eventually just not matter too.

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Not for all the love in the world

Only t-minus one week until I’m finally back in Toledo for the start of what will inevitably be another long, straight from the depths of satan’s buttcrack, semester.  I’ve pretty much gotten any sort of shopping out of the way, and now am going to have soak up what little fun Jtown has to offer before I head back for what should be a great trip to Put-n-Bay with my class! We always bring the party wherever we go, so hopefully this will be absolutely no exception. 

I’ve decided that because my legs are once again becoming toned up and no longer do the jello jiggler thing, that I must continue taking spinning classes at the Morse Center.  I’m going to be so beastly, it’s going to be ridiculous.  So hopefully I can convince some of the girls in the class to take it with me because I think it will be a good time! I mean you get to listen to some awesome jams (minus the crappy country songs) while sweating it up.  We even played rock, paper, scissor today while riding.  Losers had to do sprints on the bikes for about 30 seconds.  Wouldn’t it just be my luck that my “team” lost 4 times in a row.  What are the odds of that happening?  I’ll tell, absolutely none! except in fact, when it means that Eli’s muscles will scream profanities that rain down from the ceiling of the Towpath Trail YMCA so that all the young children there for camp will have to put on earmuffs or risk their ‘drums being destroyed due to illustrious vocabulary of my thighs.

Anywho…I’ve also been spending a lot of time thinking about me and men.  And how my last relationship I pretty much sacrificed everything I really do look for in a guy just so I could find a guy.  I’m a freakin idiot.  But at least I’ve realized this so I can learn to be smart.  In fact, I’m thinking from now on I need to distribute a questionnaire to potential people that think they can date me.  If I don’t like the answers, no date for them.  I’m getting far too old to just date people that aren’t suitable.  I’m getting too old for the stupid games.  I’m getting too old to not have what I want.  So from now on, I’m sticking to the phrase: “Make the next one, the best one” and am going to be as damn picky and choosy as I care to be.  Because I can afford to be.  Because I deserve to have what I want!!

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Stop Sippin Hatorade

So it’s been a pretty crazy couple of days.  I am probably averaging only about 5-6 hours of sleep.  Which pretty much explains why I almost got myself serial crushed by a medicine ball today in MMA class.  Last Thursday after my spinning class I drove back up to Toledo.  Mind you, I pretty much looked like…well…I just got done riding for 45 minutes on a tiny bike seat the size of a thimble that is now responsible for my bruised ass.  In other words, I looked gorgeous in the most sarcastic use of the word.  And when I open up the door to the house, there are people over! Not just my roommates.  But roommates plus some friends.  And they immediately laugh at my good looks and take a picture of it.  Nothing like a good boost to the self confidence.  But besides the crazy wind blown runway look I was rockin, the few days there went pretty well.  Had my meeting with my advisor (s) and pretty much am now in full-blown panic attack mode due to the amount of bullcrapalooza that needs to get done before next year.  Seriously, if I make it to graduation in Spring of 2010 I will consider that an achievement.  But it was nice to get to see some friends, which slightly eased the pain and angst of being told that my life ends starting this fall.  Or maybe it was the funky blue stuff  Or maybe it was the fact that I got to play pyro and light a nice fire in the backyard consisting of large amounts of arsenic release in the air…Oops!

But anyways, now I’m back at home…and wishing I could so be back in Toledo.  I pretty much have more fun there.  And don’t get driven to the point of insanity.  I’m pretty sure the breaking point came on Saturday night.  I went out to visit with a friend that I haven’t seen in over 2 years.  Now, Big K knew that’s who I was with.  And I’m pretty sure I told her I was going to be at his house.  Anyways, around 1:40 I get a text from my brother saying “I hope you know mom is still sitting up waiting for you”.  So I booked it home as quick as I could and squeaked in right before 2.  At that point I was in a full out rage.  And she wonders why I have told her that I refuse to move back into the house after I graduate?  I don’t care if that will save me money! I’m an adult…I’m 23 years old…I have every right to do whatever the hell I choose.  I didn’t realize curfews existed at this age.  Hell, the woman would go nutzoid if she lived with me up in Toledo and ever got to witness the nights when I don’t go to to bed till like 4:30 in the morning.  So she better thank her lucky stars that this is the only night I’ve ever stayed out that late in front of her.  When is she ever going to realize that I’m not a little kid anymore and that I am responsible and can handle my own business?? I’m sick of being treated like a “child”.  She even told me the reason she stayed up was because I’m still her “little girl” and she was “worried”.  GRRRRRRRRRR.  Can you tell I’m irritated? Because I’m pretty much about to tell her I’m never coming back here for longer than a week if this is the type of poo I have to put up with.  I’m tired of being the one in the doo doo!