
Running Through a Fulfilled Life

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So long sweet summer

This summer is almost over.  And it makes me just wanna say “poop”.  And say it over and over and over again.  To anyone that will listen.  I want to scream it from the rooftops.  And then sing the songs that I wanna sing, but I don’t gots that kinda time.  Basically the point of all of this is that this summer went way too fast and now preseason is almost upon me ONCE AGAIN.  Not that I don’t love soccer, but I’m not really looking forward to the beginning of H..E…double hockey sticks again.  I’ve got like a week and a half until it relaxation is over and hellaxation begins.  Ugh.  Oh well, one more season.  One more season to prove that I’ve got what it takes to be a D-1 soccer player.  One more season to prove to everyone that I’m meant to be here.  I want to go out on top.  I want to prove all the nay-sayers wrong.  I hate people that say nay.  They should say yay.  It’s more fun to say anyways.


I guess the only good part about summer coming to a close means that I get to be back up in Toledo…for good.  (well hopefully)  And that means that I get to spend everyday with the love of my life, and that makes everything that this school year could possibly do to me, worthwhile.  I have never missed someone this much, and with the ending of summer…I won’t have to.  Because everyday from then on will be a ‘palooza of the Eli and Carlos type.  And I freaking enjoy a good palooza.  Especially when it involves the one person that I could not possibly live without.


Soooo, the moral of this story is that you should always say “yay”, and I GET TO SEE CARLOS TOMORROW!!!!!! (and that should make everyone real jealous and turn green cause he’s that sweet and puts all other people to shame).

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Well, all I gots to say that time certainly does fly when you’re having fun.  At least that was the case for this past weekend.  Carlos came down to visit once again, and he didn’t get lost this time!  My baby’s growing up…I’m so proud….  But anyways, he got here around noon on Friday and we hung out all day long, mostly doing stuff of the “nothing” variety.  He even got to see me get really really sweaty and foul.  So foul that I’m sure he was puking in his mouth secretly and wondering whatever he got himself into by dating me.

Anyways, Saturday we went up to Geauga Lake for a day of rides and cooling off in the Wave Pool.  I think he had a good time, but then again, who knows…he is quite the good liar sometimes.  Pack of lies.  Shenanigans.  He’s full of all of these.    Mostly we spent our time in the wave pool because it was bloody hot.  So basically, we hopped around for 4 hours.  And let’s just say that was a good time.  Haha.  We left the park kind of early because…yeah…I was really tired and sunburnt and lacking in the sleep department since I’d been coughing up my lungs like I was rejecting my organs for the past week and a half.  We hung out the house for a little while and then got to watch the Jackson Fireworks that night…I’m just glad I get to spend moments like that with him.  It just emphasizes how right this is.

Sunday was just another day of hanging out…we went to church, I almost died of coughing, and the entire congregation got to hear my coughing fit even though I tried to hide in the chapel…DARN!  Oh well, afterwards we got some DONUTS and ate them all up.  They were splendiforous.  I think Carlos likes are traditions of getting donuts on sundays and getting pizza on fridays…I know I like them.  So he should too.  And if not…I’ll kick his fronthead.


Other then that, the past couple of weeks have pretty much been a big BLAH for me.  Nothings really been going on aside from being bored.  It’s been way to hot for humanity to survive…and of course my mother still doesn’t believe in air conditioning.  But really, that’s what she likes to term as “cheap” or “money-saving”.  I like to term it as being a piece of poop.  And to that I say BYAAAAAAAAH. 

Since I’ve been battling sickness for the past going on 2 weeks now, I feel like my fitness has been suffering.  I’ve been doing my workouts, but I know I could push myself a heck of a lot harder if I weren’t feeling like I was so worn out.  I have the immune system of an 80 year old woman that smokes and drinks and shoots up LSD.  Oh well…POOP HAPPENS.  Hopefully I will be ready for when preseason begins…well physically ready, I’ll never actually be mentally ready for that.  I could put that off for quite some time, since preseason corresponds to the end of my ability to function.

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“I love you. There is nothing else to do, run and I will run with you.”

So, there’s this boy.  He makes everyday for me fun, special, and unique.  He is an amazing person, and we just click in all aspects of a relationship.  He is my best friend–who I can share anything with.  He is my rock–upon which I stand.  He is my guardian–protecting me from the world.  He is my love–for whom I would go to any lengths to please.

Without this boy I would be so lost.  Without this boy I wouldn’t be who I am today.  Without this boy I wouldn’t know what the meaning of true love is.  Without this boy I wouldn’t feel so complete.  Without this boy I wouldn’t have learned to enjoy every day.  Without this boy I never would have been able to push through some roadblocks.  Without this boy I wouldn’t have had a person that was never going to give up on me. 

I need this boy in my life.  I need him here for always.  Because sometimes you know when it’s perfect.  And this is definitely that sometimes.

“Never knew I could feel like this, like I’ve never seen the sky before. Want to vanish inside your kiss and I love you until the end of time.”


Well, I figured now would be a good of time as ever to update on what’s been going on.  NOTHING. 

Ok, glad we got that out of the way.

Actually, this weekend has been much more then the nothing that the rest of my summer has pretty much been turning into.  On Friday, I finally made it back up to Toledo after my 3 week separation from my boy.  We drove down to Holgate for the rehearsal dinner for the wedding that was the next day.  All I can say is, man, was it good to see him again.  If 3 weeks could have gone by any slower, they would have been calling it a Brady Bunch TV Marathon. 

Saturday, we went to Steve and Val’s wedding.  Carlos looked absolutely amazing, despite what he says.  His tie…can only be described as peach.  However, it was technically called “desert rose”, and he made sure everyone knew.  So yeah, it was peach.  But he looked awesome, and I tried my best to match that…so yeah, to make all kinds of people jealous.  Even though that probably SO didn’t happen.  Food at the reception was awesome…especially the BBQ pulled pork.  Carlos told me he was going to the bathroom at one point, and he came back with another sandwich.  I was confused after that.

And that brings us to today…ahhh Abraham Lincoln’s beard.  We pretty much woke up, went back to Holgate for a little while to hang out with Carlos’s parents…and then we drove the ‘Vette back up to Toledo so we could return his tux and then just hang out.  We did a little soccer workout, and then pretty much crashed after that.  And yeah…that brings me to now.  I am still awake because i pretty much miss him like WHOA.  As Black Rob would say.  But I know that I’ll see him tomorrow, cause it’s our 4 month anniversary and we have lots planned…and what a fabulous 4 months it has been.   Carlos…I love you, boo!