
Running Through a Fulfilled Life



So I am pretty positive I have the Swine.  It is definitely not so funny when you actually have the illness.  Although I have not gone to the doctor, I have been battling 103° temperatures, extreme chills, coughing, fatigue, achiness, etc.  I asked my mom and she said that it was far to early for me to have contracted a seasonal flu and therefore I definitely have the Swine.  It better clear up before I start my clinical, that’s all I have to say.  For now, I have quarantined myself to my apartment (which totally sucks) and have no social contact with…like anyone.  So much for needing to get the vaccine for healthcare professionals!

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Killin Time…

So I start my next clinical affiliation on Monday.  I am really looking forward to it, but I’m also a bit scared.  It is back to work for the next 8 weeks and I need to be on the top of my game.  I never quite realized how much of my day is occupied by school, and now that I have this entire week off…I don’t know what to do with myself.  I am totally enjoying the time off, but I can only account for my day with so much running haha.  What would you do with your last week of freedom before starting essentially a full-time job? 

I need a bucket list.  That can be completed in a week.



I presented my scholarly project last night and finally, finally am done with over a year of research.  Even though I felt like I was profusely sweating the entire time creating an uncomfortable sensation in the armpits and causing what is known as swamp ass, I was glad that I got up there and did it.  The only bad part was that an old professor of ours attempted to “corner” us into saying something incorrectly during the question and answer session portion.  I know he had all good intentions, but he literally made me feel like shit and question whether I have even come that far from my first year.  Not to mention I felt as if he did not respect any of the project we did.  Needless to say, I fought back a tear or two in front of 100+ people.  Lame

After that, my DPT classmates and I went out to our old stomping grounds: Doc Watsons.  It was as if everything had finally come full circle.  We ended our journey together in the same place that we frequented during our first year.  Sad that I will not see some of them until May when we matriculate.  I guess every end is really a new beginning, but it is sad to know that some people that have been such a huge part of my life the past 3 years will not be a part of my new beginning.  I am pretty sure I will bawl on graduation day.  They really have become my family.

ass DSCF1735

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Lovin Life

So I am officially and forever done with any classes for school!  I thumb my nose at ever being stuck in a classroom again, being subjected to having my hamstrings shortened from sitting so long.  So needless to say, it was one crazy weekend.

My class celebrated being done.  And when we celebrate.  We celebrate.  
Fun numbers of the night:
5=the number that threw up
4=the approximate time i went to bed
3=number of injuries.  We had one neck injury from wrestling; she got flipped upside down and smashed her head/neck into the wall and fell this way.  Picture something that happens in high school football movies that results in a cord injury.  I was so scared, but she said she was ok.  The next day not so much, she had to go the ER and get a CT done.  We also had one keg vaulting accident.  Someone literally flipped over top the keg and landed on their back.  We also had two fingers get slammed into a car door.
2=2 friends fighting, so loud, so many horrible things said, so many horrible combinations of profanity words
1=last night with my crazy classmates that I have enjoyed spending over 2 years with through both good, bad, and ugly times.  They truly are the reason I made it through all the mental gymnastics and torture that are classes.  They picked me up when I was so down back during the first year and have carried me ever since.  I can honestly say I am truly blessed to have known each one of them and hope that everyone stays in touch.  I am definitely a better person for being in their lives!

On Saturday I got to take a trip to MacQueen’s Orchard.  Nothing like a fabulous fall day complete with apple picking, apple fritters, and apple cider.  What can I say, I’m a sucker for anything apple  

I also went to the UT/Western Michigan game and got to tailgate with an alumnus that happens to be in the NFL now (*hint hint Lance Moore hint hint*).  It was awesome to see my newly married friends Joe and Emily as well, and the fact that UT got their butts kicked so hard that their rectum was coming out their mouths could not ruin my good day.

Today I ran a 5K to benefit a local schoolsystem and finished it in 24:11!  That is my best time ever, which is pretty exciting.  Who knew training for a half marathon could translate into such a good short distance time?!  I finished 2nd overall for the females and placed 1st in my age group.  In the process I won about $15 in gift certificates, got a race t-shirt, and got cleaning solutions.  We also got on the local news because they were taking pictures and interviewing runners following the race!  All in all, I broke even.



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Every Ending has a beginning

Tomorrow will be . . .
. . . the last school related exam I will ever take as a student
. . . the last class I will ever have
. . . the last time I have to be subjected to my least favorite person
. . . the last cram session I will ever have to pull
. . . the last course eval I ever have to fill out with angry comments
. . . the last time I will have to park my car at goose poop campus
. . . the end of an era.

But all I have to say is good riddance to classes, bring on some more clinicals!
Only 3 clinicals+1 laws exam+1 board exam stand in my way of becoming a licensed PT.
Boo yah.

Hopefully my title can be amended to read:

Elizabeth PT, DPT, professional bad-ass


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I am Jane’s delayed onset muscle soreness

I ran my first ever half marathon yesterday and finished in 1:59:00.  This put me right around a near 9 minute mile pace, which is basically everything I was hoping to do!  The course was super hilly (not expected) but the weather was a fabulous fall chill.  I thoroughly enjoyed it…well maybe not the last 2 miles…but besides that, it was awesome! 

There was only one big scare, as I was nearly mile 12 I passed my Mom.  She was ahead of me the whole race by about 30 seconds, but I was able to catch up with her.  I tried to get her stick with my pace so we could finish together, but she babbled something about her feet hurting and not being able to run fast anymore.  So I pushed it in and waited for her to finish.  Once she crossed the finish line I could tell something was wrong.  She was pale as a sheet and was crying softly, muttering things about how “she didn’t do well and she hurt everywhere and this was NEVER happening again”.  I tried to tell her she did fabulous (she finished under 2 hours!) but she would have none of it…it was like she was delirious.  I have never been so scared because I really thought she was about to pass out on me.  I made her lay down for a little bit with her legs propped up, but it didn’t help.  It wasn’t until sleeping for 2 hours + food + loads of water that she finally felt better. 

And today…she is now saying she would do another half marathon.  What a difference a day and about a gallon of water makes!


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I am Jack’s raging sports hernia

I am Jack’s raging sports hernia
I dominate abdominal walls
Good luck trying run again for a while
Because when I rear my ugly head
You will think your balls just exploded

Every SuperHero Has a Nemesis:

Bees are like tiny, flying, poisonous, air ninjas.  And they are my nemesis.  Somehow one has managed to break through my fortress that is my apartment and buzz its way around until I can successfully trap it in a window each week I have been here.  Even the bees know our nice weather has come to an end…and that they are dying…so to prolong life they try to come into my death zone of an apartment.  Where I sit for over a half hour trapping them into between a screen and a window pane.  They can flap around in there without food for all I care.  I am humane like that. 

Because we all know how much I hate freaking bees.  My hate affair began with the very first stinging.  I used to think I was talented, so my friends and I would do all sorts of cartwheels and somersaults in my front yard.  Barefoot.  Which is apparently just what bees enjoy.  Because I stepped on one.  Who knew a tiny bug could cause so much pain and itching?

My second stinging happened while swinging on a swing.  Ninja bee dive bombed into my ear…and stung.  Who stings ears really?  My reaction was worse than the time before.  My ear became the consistency of a brick.

Third time was up my pants leg in high school.  Ninja bee was apparently as perverted as a high school boy.  My calf inflated to double the size of its partner.

Fourth time was my ear.  AGAIN.  Don’t know how, but apparently I must rub my ears with honey everyday.  My ear inflated to the size of Dumbo.  It is difficult to go to school in high school when your ear is large and people enjoy teasing.

That is why I am not so happy that apparently my apartment loves to let in bees.  I am not looking forward to a fifth or sixth stinging.  It is pretty apparent that I am semi-allergic.  Go figure because I have no other allergies.  Just to mothaf’in bees.  Gangsta flying ninjas. 

What is your nemesis?