
Running Through a Fulfilled Life



So I am pretty positive I have the Swine.  It is definitely not so funny when you actually have the illness.  Although I have not gone to the doctor, I have been battling 103° temperatures, extreme chills, coughing, fatigue, achiness, etc.  I asked my mom and she said that it was far to early for me to have contracted a seasonal flu and therefore I definitely have the Swine.  It better clear up before I start my clinical, that’s all I have to say.  For now, I have quarantined myself to my apartment (which totally sucks) and have no social contact with…like anyone.  So much for needing to get the vaccine for healthcare professionals!

7 thoughts on “H1N1

  1. It does sound like you might have it. According to our county health officer if someone has the flu now it must be H1N1 because it is too early for any other flu. This thing is weird because up till now it has been mandated that we be off work for 7 days after the beginning of symptoms. Just today a new memo came out which sounds very much like any other flu type illness. Stay off work 24 hours after the cessation of the fever. Hope you get better soon!  

  2. @justtesting21 – yes i figure i have it, because a cold cannot be defined by having such a high fever.  everyone keeps telling me to go see a doctor but the CDC policy makes it seem like i may not even be prescribed drugs because i am not high risk.  so i am thinking there is no point to that, i will just stay at home until it clears.  hopefully i can keep a fever away for 24 hours before monday!!

  3. You are only allowed to come party at my new house after your fever is gone for 24 hours, so get better soooooon!-Maren

  4. Aww–well on the plus side, more time for Xanga posts! ha, I tease. Get well soon!

  5. You must have found some awesome northern ohio night life or something. You are nowhere to be found these days. Clinical going well?  I hope it is.

  6. @justtesting21 – no no i wish i had some awesome night life!  instead i have been keeping super busy on my new clinical rotation.  i am working a 40 hour work week, trying to work out, and have been out of town the past 2 weekends…so needless to say, no time to blog.  i hope things are well with you!

  7. @Ipickedoutyourstar23 – Thanks, things are pretty good here. 

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